Why pluck it too early ?

In our daily life, we experience a rollercoaster of emotions from being happy to sad and angry to calm.
These emotions are temporary yet we wish the happiest to last longer and the sadness to vanish in seconds. But, if everything in life happened as we desire…what is the point of living a life ?

When sadness enters our life, everyone has their own ways of facing it. Some people try to find good in it while others whine about it. But to be able to find good or whine about it is determined by our surrounding. If we get a proper support, if there exist a proper support system in our lives then, we can definitely find good in sadness and walk through it. But with an absence of this support system, life becomes too tough. We have to face it all alone. And during this phase many go numb and decide to quit it.

The saddest part about being sad is that we loose hope too quickly. If a sad phase lasts longer than usual, we give up without fighting it. People feel like there is no point in continuing their life. They get afraid of being forever surrounded by sadness. And they call it ‘Quit’.

Always remember, we have control over our life. We can decide how our life should be. We can mould it the way we desire. But, every good thing takes time. So don’t give up hope too easily. Stay a little stronger

It is always easy to say ‘be strong, don’t give up’ because, we don’t know the problem the other person is facing. We don’t know the pain they feel. But there is one thing which we can do ….Hear. Be an ear to their problems. Listen to the people who wants to be heard. Even if you are clueless about how to help them, be an ear. Because, often times these suicidal thoughts can be overcome with the help of good communication.

Let the sufferer open up their heart, cry louder and share their pain with you. Listen to their problems and share some good words for them. Be a light of hope in their darkest times. Be a reason for their smile.

Because, the beauty of a flower is lost when you pluck it too early.

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