Yesterday (18 June 2024)

Yesterday was the biggest day of my life. Finally had my first baby step towards my goal. ‘GOT MY BOOK PUBLISHED!’

I have been working for this dream from the past 7-8 years. It all started when I was doing my graduation. The second year of graduation, I got into writing. Everyday I used to go to college at 7:30am, never attend any lecture but sit in the library and write. I used to spend 4-5 hrs daily in library, writing books which I thought would never be published.

My dream is to be a screenplay writer but, in the early years while I had more time for writing; I was aimlessly running in all directions and failed to have any growth. After graduation, I joined a CA firm, choose CA as my career only to get additional 3 years for my dream. I failed again.

But during this period, I did get two offers.  One was  to work in a film. I was given the opportunity to work as a storyboard artist, which I refused. Because, I was stubborn. I wanted to be a screenplay writer and was not ready to accept anything other than that. The other was to work for a production house with a regular income as salary. The role was of a screenplay writer but, they wanted to write softcore porn. And I refused.

After wasting 3 years in CA, I joined a bank and was facing a humongous writers block. I wasn’t able to find time for writing. I was working 12 hrs daily and on weekends my body would just give up. With sleepless night, pillow soaking all my tears and a fear of slowly loosing my ability to write stories, I joined WordPress. WordPress gave me the opportunity to write something daily. I took part in the daily prompt challenge and continuously wrote for 100+ days. Whether it was a mere 3 line or some 5-6 paragraphs for the sake of getting out of my writers block.

All these years, I have face humiliation from the people who are the closest to me. Some called it just a joke, others made fun of it. But, I held on to it….. and I’m proud of myself for it. Getting a book published is nothing compared to the dream I have. But, it’s a baby step and motivation for me

‘In search of UFO’ my book which was published yesterday was written as a challenge. When I was told that, I am not good at writing romance, I wrote this book.

I’m currently working on my next book titled ‘Mahisham’. In search of UFO was an answer to a challenge and Mahisham is my safe zone. It discusses my poltics. A thriller subject

I’m wrote this blog for people who are on the verge of giving up their dreams. Hold on to your dreams and it will come true. If you have enough patience and you are genuinely trying…. you’ll soon see the signs.

Btw, if anyone want to purchase my book’In search of UFO’ they can follow the link.

And you guys can check out the first draft of Mahisham by visiting my Instagram account.

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